Our Family Reviews team at Mount Rushmore, near Keystone, SD 2018

10 secret tips to an awesome life

There’s an awakening inside many of us that’s coming to understand that the secret to happiness is knowing yourself, treating yourself to recreation, our connections with everyone and feeding our body and minds with health. Late last night I discovered some excellent tips to sustain an awesome life and below I’ve abbreviated my favorites in a reshare post for your healthy education.

Tips for having an awesome life

1) Walk

Treat yourself with a short 10-30 minute walk each day and do your best to sustain a smile which really does make you feel so good.

2) Sit Quietly

Take 10 minutes each day to sit (facing the sun if you can) and just be, your mind does not have to be silent but find a quiet place to enjoy these 10 minutes of nothingness, your mind, body and soul with thank you.

3) Eat & Drink

Enjoy a snack of whole almonds, pumpkin seeds, blueberries and eat more organic spinach greens. Drink lots of water and try green tea.

4) Love

Make an effort to make someone smile each day. Tell a joke, give a hug, let your friend know you appreciate them or send a smile to someone random and see if they smile back.

5) Live Now

This is the most difficult for me. Let go of the past, live in the moment/present, don’t have expectations of people and know that we are all unique and special.

6) Lighten Up

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Remember that many people will not take you seriously, so don’t stress too much on how people feel about you – many will forget what you just said 30 seconds later and will just go on their way.

7) Everything is Temporary

When something bad happens, ask yourself “is this going to make a bit of difference next year, how about five years down the road?” If you are in a good or bad place in life, remember it is all going to change eventually.

8) Keep Them Close

When you are not feeling well, hurt or in need of help, your friends and family will take care of you. Make a point to keep close friends and nurture this family relationships as well by communicating with those you love. These people love you too and who better to share your pain with? Our family and true friends will be there for us when we need help so be sure to reach out, go for that beer regularly, set that dinner or coffee date and enjoy the relationships in our lives.

9) You Are Blesses

If you have food to eat, a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear and a roof over your head, you are lucky. There are hundreds of millions of people now on this planet who do NOT have basic sustenance – be thankful for these things you do have.

10) Be Unique

My best advice for friends, family, my kids and loved ones is to remember that we are all unique. Don’t be ashamed of who you are if you are different. It’s our uniqueness that makes us all so special and our differences are beautiful. How you feel about yourself projects upon how you become so know that you are a loving being filled with positive light (even if it’s deep inside there somewhere.)

One Last Note on Feelings

Be ok with having emotions and expressing yourself in a positive way but to stay clear of showing this through shame, guilt, blame or hateful words. Anger is also an emotion but it’s how we output this to each other. Try explaining: the emotion you feel, the actions the other person is having which you see as a problem and suggesting positive change for a mutual outcome.

Original post by WakeUpYourMind.net